Genomics & Proteomics Analysis Tools and Supplies - (415) 247-8760
Bio-Rad 10 lane, 1.5mm thick comb CBL10-150
Regular price $49.00
Bio-Rad 10 lane, 0.75 mm thick comb CBL10-075
Bio-Rad 10 lane comb, 1.0 mm thick CBS10-100
Regular price $34.00
Bio-Rad 10 lane comb, 0.75 mm thick CBS10-075
Bio-Rad 15 lane comb, 1.0mm thick, Bio-Rad Mini-PROTEAN II CBS15-100
Bio-Rad 15 lane, 1.5 mm thick comb, Bio-Rad PROTEAN II CBL15-150
Bio-Rad Single Reference comb, 1.0 mm thick CBLSR-100
Bio-Rad Comb, 8 well, 1.50mm Thick, for use with BioRad SubCell GT mini systems (170-4463) CGT08-150
Bio-Rad Comb, 15 well, 1.50mm Thick, for use with BioRad SubCell GT mini systems (170-4465) CGT15-150
Bio-rad 16 cm cell, 18.3 x 20 cm outer plate (2) GBL16L-2
Bio-rad 16 cm cell, 16 x 20 cm inner plate (2) GBL16S-2
Bio-rad 16 cm cell, inner & outer plates, 2 sets GBL16B-2S
Regular price $56.00
Bio-rad 16 cm cell, inner & outer plates GBO16B-1S
Regular price $115.00
Bio-Rad Replacement Red Foam Casting Gaskets, 11.4 x 1.75cm KBR100-2
Regular price $32.00
Bio-Rad MPII inner plates, frosted, 5/pk GBS07SF-5
Regular price $111.00
Bio-Rad 22.3 cm spacer, IPG strip format SBXL20-100N
Regular price $43.00
Bio-Rad 12 lane comb, adjustable height CBM12-100
Bio-Rad Spacer Plate w/0.5 mm spacer, for Mini-PROTEANĀ® 3 & Tetra Cell GBU050-5
Regular price $47.00